
Google Chart API PHP classes

Following on from my recent release of AGCDR (Asterisk CDR Statistics), I thought I would make an important sub-set of that project available separately. As part of writing AGCDR I wrote a reasonably extensive set of PHP classes to interact with the Google Chart API. The following chart types are supported, although some do not support all the features that the API offers:

The download contains all the classes, both in separate files and in a combined file (which one you will use will likely depend on whether or not you use class auto-loaders) plus a page of example usages to get you going.

As with AGCDR, this is currently being released as a beta so it’s not perfect and I would welcome comments, suggestions and bug reports. Please submit any comments, suggestions or indeed any code you would like to contribute via the Google Code page in order that all information pertaining to it is kept in the same place.

Here’s a gallery of examples: